Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Under the Sea Submarine Adventure

I thought the fun title to this post might grab some attention, and even though the Atlantis Submarine was called Atlantis and not "Under Sea Adventure," it was, indeed, a great adventure under the sea. Once afternoon in Maui, we took an Atlantis Submarine tour our of Lahaina Harbor to do a bit of exploring under the surface. I was admittedly nervous at first, afraid of being claustrophobic, or just straight panicking under there, but all went well, and we really enjoyed the adventure! I'd been on a submarine before, you know the old military ones "docked" on land for touring, but never in an actual working one that took me under. But it was pretty darn cool! A boat took us to the submarine out in the bay, where we watched the sub ascending from the depths of the ocean. Pretty incredible to watch! Once we boarded the sub, we began our descend. Right away I was blown away! Even though the sub was pretty cramped and the seats were small, I didn't seem to notice when we began seeing the ocean in a whole new way. We saw SO much sea life, and it was incredible to to reflect and know all this had been beneath us the entire time!

I think one of the coolest parts was the sunken ship. It was purposely sunk to create a reef for the sea life, and to create the perfect spot for the submarine to venture us. I really enjoyed this little adventure, and look forward to trying it at other tropical destinations as well. It would be so fascinating to see under the sea in many different places to see the variations of wildlife. Sorry of all of the "seas" & "sees" today! :) But I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

Note: To board and deboard the sub, the boat and sub park side by side in the ocean, and you walk from one to the other. The sub has as small, steep ladder. That being said, this wouldn't be the best adventure for someone with trouble climbing.

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