Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Snoqualmie Falls • Washington

Hey friends! I hope y'all are doing great. We are gearing up for Thanksgiving, as I'm sure you are as well. I'm excited for yummy food, and spending time with loved ones. We have much to be grateful for, especially each other. It has been a tough year, but there is always something to be thankful for. Along with my dear family & friends, I am especially thankful to be able to share something I love so much, travel! Traveling has changed my life in more ways than I can count, and I am certainly grateful to have this business and to share my travels here. I'm so thankful to my clients & readers for their support, and I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Along with a Thanksgiving wish, I do have a bit of travel to share with you today. I'm excited to dive into our time in Seattle, Washington. Since Lovely spent around two months there for work with me visiting on two occasions, I have so much to share. So for the next month or more I'll be sharing all the fun details from our travels in and around the unique city of Seattle.

To get things started, let's talk about Snoqualmie Falls, about 45 minutes east of Seattle nestled in the Cascades Mountains. The falls are set in a stunning mountainous area covered in endless evergreen trees. Atop the falls is a working & running train track, and if you're as lucky as we are, you'll catch a locomotive coming around the bend above the falls. Yes, that sounds like a song, but it's true! The falls flow into the Snoqualmie River which winds through the Cascades Mountains.

Snoqualmie Falls is a very popular tourist spot, so be prepared to battle the people. We went later in the afternoon, around 3 o'clock, and there are so, so many people. There is a parking lot across the street, with a covered foot bridge leading to the falls. It took us a bit to find a parking spot, but it was definitely worth it! You might think about going in the morning to avoid crowds. But everything still worked out. We were able to get front row views of the falls, taking turns with other visitors.

The falls viewing area offers several spots along the mountain for viewing at different levels. The area is nicely paved with steps leading down to each observation deck. I took advantage of each deck for different outlooks at each spot. Snoqualmie Falls is definitely worth the drive to see! Even the drive itself is stunning! I'm not certain, but I imagine in the winter this area would be blanketed in snow, making it all the more dreamy, dreamy Snoqualmie!

Hopefully, these photos talk you into a visit to this majestic mountain destination!
Again, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you for stopping by.

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