Thursday, April 27, 2017

Pike Place Market • Seattle

Hey there! I am packed up for my weekend of fun work (really it is good stuff), and ready to tackle that long to do list. I'm feeling motivated, and can't wait for a refreshing weekend of crafting, travel work, and, most importantly, time with great friends!  While I'm waiting for it to be go time, I wanted to share the last place on the itinerary for our time in Seattle, Pike Place Market.

I've been saving the best for last as the market was the creme de la creme of Seattle for me! The flowers, the exotic fruits and veggies, eggs & cheeses of every kind, an extensive array of baked goods, and just goodness after goodness. For this post, I thought I'd do a short little list of my tips for visiting one of the world's most famous markets!

My Tips for Visiting Pike Place Market

1. Go early.
Before 8am is a great time to visit. There aren't a lot of people out and about yet, but the vendors are already open. If you wait until later in the morning, you'll be packed in to get glimpses of some famous spots like Pike Place Fish Co. & their fish throwing show.

2. If you want to visit the original Starbucks, go late.
If the original Starbucks is on your must go in list, go in the evening or be prepared to wait in a long line outside. Remember, Seattle is known for it's rainy weather, so if standing in a long line outside in the rain isn't your thing, opt for a trip there in the evening. For myself, I just got a look of the shop from the outside, and that was a-okay with me. Lovely had to go back to Seattle later in the year, and he visited the market another time with colleagues later in the day after work. He was able to go inside the Starbucks when there was no line. He even brought me home the coveted Pike Place Market You Are Here Collection cup. Since he went later in the year, so he also enjoyed the market being decorated for Christmas.

3. Go hungry. Or maybe don't. 
If you love good food, go hungry! Enjoy pastries, fruits, coffees, donuts, cheeses, cookies as big as your face, and so much more! If you don't want to overindulge, better eat beforehand so you aren't tempted. :) You could be like my mother-in-law. She literally went CRAZY buying yummies at the market! She packed an entire box full to carry back home of peaches, Rainier cherries, and baked goods. It was a hoot watching her!

4. Buy the damn flowers.
Ok, the flowers...they are UH-MAZING!! Like THE most beautiful flowers you have every seen, and they are CHEAP! I am talking 15 bucks for a bouquet that would cost you $100 from a florist! Buy them! Put them in your hotel room. Love them. Enjoy them. When you visit, you'll see just what I mean!

Hopefully these quick tips help you plan your trip. Take a look at my photos to get a better idea of my tips. See you back tomorrow with a Seattle Trip Wrap Up.

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