Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Watauga Lake, Tennessee

Wow! It has been quite awhile since I was here, and it feels like so much has been going on, but nothing at the same time. Does that even make sense?! So what have I been doing? Enjoyed a nice quiet NYE night, lots of Lovely & me time, a smidgen of creative time (and I mean a tiny smidgen), and getting a couple of trips in the works for us. I've also sort of neglected this travel blog along with my paper crafting one, even though I've thought about them both everyday! But, I do have lots of things planned out to share here including our trip to Hawaii & Las Vegas, and I can't wait to get things back up and running on my Loveleigh Stampin' blog. In the meantime, I have a few things to share including my trip to visit friends in Tennessee back in December.

My dear friend and her husband were kind enough to show me around Watauga Lake and Johnson City. I adored the small town feels, darling little churches on every corner, deer running wild, and fresh Christmas tree stands everywhere you look! I particularly enjoyed the fog over the lake around the mountains in the morning. And as beautiful as it was, I imagine the Fall to be even more so! Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the photos.

A real traveler's treat for me was riding in a prop plane for the first time, as well as boarding the plane from the tarmac. A double whammy for my bucket list! I didn't include pictures from it, but we spent quite a bit of time shopping in Johnson City and went to Speedway of Lights at Bristol Motor Speedway. If you ever go at Christmas, the Speedway of Lights is a great treat! :) If you recall, we also drove to Asheville, North Carolina to visit the Biltmore Estate, which we all loved! Thanks so much for stopping by! I will be back tomorrow with details about one of our favorite lunch spots in Dallas, Bolsa in the Bishop Arts District.

For information on booking your next getaway or vacation contact me here.
I am looking forward to hearing from you!

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