Sunday, April 23, 2017

Roozengaarde Tulips • Seattle

Hey y'all! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! I'm looking forward to this beautiful Sunday. I plan on getting my to do list knocked out early so I can spend the rest of the day resting, as it should be! It has turned cold here in Waco, Texas, but it is still a beautiful, sunny Spring day. So I am hoping to spend a little time outside as well. This weather has me reminescing on when Lovely was in Seattle, and drove the hour and a half to Mt. Vernon, Washington to see the tulips for me. Now of course this isn't something he would have regularly done alone, but we knew by the time I visited that the tulip blooms would be long gone. So I talked him into driving up there just so he could send me beautiful photos. We ended up FaceTiming as well, which was an amazing treat! He did a great job as a photographer, and I am so grateful that he went. Just seeing the photos from him, and knowing this was realnot just made up place in Pinterest landwas wonderful! Anyway, he journeyed from Renton, WA, just south of Seattle, to Roozengaarde outside of Mt. Vernon. 

Now, you may be it worth the drive up there to take the chance on the tulips not being in bloom? Well, Roozengaarde has taken out all of the guess work with an amazing bloom map on their website. You can see nearby tulip & daffodil fields on the map, and if they are in bloom or not. This is updated every couple of days or so, so you can bet it is an accurate indication on what is blooming. While the tulips are in bloom, Roozengaarde has a Tulip Festival. During other times of the year, Roozengaarde's gift shop & garden are also open. 

Lovely kept his time directly at Roozengaarde, though you could potentially explore other fields as well. The garden was amazing with more tulip varieties than you can count, and each was conveniently labeled in case you wanted to buy bulbs of your own to take home & plant. The photos are something right out of Holland and seem like a Pinterest dream, but my friends, it is the real deal right here in the states! Bonus, glimpses of Mt. Baker in the background of the tulip fieldsadding major googly eyes to the dreamy factor! I hope you will enjoy the photos of the beautiful Roozengaarde and tulip fields, and be sure to check out the bloom map when planning your own Spring trip to Roozengaarde in Mt. Vernon, Washington just a short drive from Seattle.

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